Thursday, November 25, 2010

Quick Thoughts About Thanksgiving

I've been putting off writing a formal introduction to this new blog of mine, but it's Thanksgiving and I have a few things I want to get off my chest so I figured now was as good a time as any.
So first off, hi, I'm Abbyelectric, and I've been a blogger for many, many years on livejournal (here) but I finally made the switch (not completely I'm still going to keep up with lj!) to Blogspot. :) I'm a Mexican from Texas who's obsessed with Asian culture but I have other interests that I tend to obsess over as well which just comes out chaotic (hence the "Electric Chaos" title).

Anyway, on to the reason I'm blogging now: Thanksgiving! There are only a few minutes left of the holiday here, however there are still 2 more hours left where I cam from so this still counts to me. :P

So every year I, like many others celebrating this American holiday, think of what they're thankful for and it's usually the same things, family, friends, etc. And I agree to some extent, however these are my thoughts on being thankful for Thanksgiving. I'll try to keep it as short as possible because I'm quite the rambler!

1) First of all, people should be thankful for their lives every morning they get to see another day.

2) I'm honestly so thankful for my roommate Emmie. This is my freshman year in college and transitioning from Texas to New York was honestly a lot harder than I ever imagined. I was so eager to leave my hometown with not a single glance back, I never thought I'd miss it as much as I do now. However, through this entire cultural/geographical/life changing experience has been my roommate, a New York native, who's been by my side the enitre time. I lucked out in getting roomed with her, and it is because of her I was able to spend a pleasant Thanksgiving upstate NY with her family while I was unable to go back to Texas for the break. If it weren't for h, I'd be stuck on the ghost town of a campus during this time!

3) Lastly, I am thankful for my sense of sound. I know, it sounds somewhat weird but think about it, what's the one sense you CANNOT live without? For me, it most definitely has to be sound. Sight comes in close second, when I think of all the beautiful sights and movies available to us, however I absolutely cannot even begin to imagine life without music!!! Think of how dominant music and sound in general is in everyday life, think of not being able to speak or have your voice be heard? That is just a world I cannot fathom, as a chatterbox journalist haha.

So these are the things that I am usually thankful for daily, but just extra thankful for today! :)
I hope all you readers out there appreciate everything you have in your life and are thankful for it not just today but everyday! A "thanks" or appreciation can go a long way!


P.S. I wrote this all on my Blackberry so sorry for any errors and sounding rushed and stuff, also I'm usually not this polite/formal hahaha.

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